Are Online MBAs Accredited?

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Even in the era of modern technology and internet education, many still are not that certain about online MBA education. Before even doing their research, some may suspiciously question the authenticity of going on the internet and getting a master’s of business administration. However, the answer to whether or not online MBAs are accredited is a resounding yes.

How is an Online MBA Program Accredited?
An online degree can obtain regional accreditation through a number of area based councils on accreditation like the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Each area of the United States has one. The best accreditation a university can obtain for its MBA program, though, is through the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). This institution provides professional accreditation to schools in the United States and throughout the world. If you are considering an online MBA program, make sure that the school has a regional accreditation before even applying. If you want a program that is globally recognized, make sure that it has been accredited by AACSB. A degree approved by AACSB can be used all over the world.

Many Great Schools Offer Fully Accredited Online Business Education
Contrary to popular belief, even some of the best business schools have gone online. It isn’t all just diploma mills and below average colleges offering online degrees. And getting in these elite schools is not easy, as they require great GMAT scores, excellent references, years of work experience, and a stellar application. Some of the top online MBA programs are offered by Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business, Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, and Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. All of these are top 25 programs where you are able to network with other classmates, learn management techniques, and master other skills important to business. In many senses, it is the same as a regular MBA program, with the exception that you can take a class from anywhere.

Benefits of Getting an Online MBA
The main benefit of going online to obtain an MBA is the flexibility that it offers, especially if you are working. You have the opportunity to take a class while waiting to board a plane in Beijing or from the comfort of your own basement. You don’t have to move to live by the school and you can pursue other opportunities while studying. On top of that, not having to relocate means you can apply to a wider range of schools, as classes are location independent. This ensures you can find a program that is truly right for you.

Drawback of an Online MBA
The online masters of business administration degree is relatively new to the scene, and major corporations and employers have been somewhat skeptical. Research shows that those coming out of a traditional program still enjoy more offers and a higher salary average than those with an online degree. However, with the increasing enrollment and improvement of internet education, this is starting to change. The number of corporations recruiting those studying in online programs has been increasing over the past few years. With time, comes change.

Beware of Non-accredited MBA Programs
The last thing you want is to pay a bunch of tuition money for a program employers won’t even recognize as legitimate. Do your research beforehand and make sure the school is accredited by going to AACSB’s website and the webpages of other regional accreditation councils and doing queries. You also never want to assume a school has accreditation because its website claims it does. If you discover that the school has not gained accreditation by AACSB, then see if it has regional accreditation. If it has neither, attending could be a waste of time and money unless your current employer or potential employer will recognize that degree and give you a promotion because you have it.

Another sign to look for is who teaches the classes. At a school with accreditation, the same professors that teach on-site business classes will teach the online classes. Additionally, there is a high level of communication between the students and even group projects at most accredited online business colleges.