Top 25 Physician Assistant (PA) Degree Programs

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If you’re interested in the practice of medicine and how you could use this knowledge to make a positive difference in the world, roles as physician assistants could be the right fit for you. Completing physician assistant degrees is the most important step aspiring physician assistants need to take to get into this career path. In our ranking below, we have identified the 25 best schools where students can earn physician assistant degrees.

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What Are Physician Assistant Programs?

Physician assistant degrees are graduate degrees in medicine that prepare students for clinical practice under the supervision of a licensed physician.

physician assistant

Unlike the Doctor of Medicine (MD) and Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree programs, physician assistant degrees aren’t doctorates but rather master’s degrees.

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PA master’s degree programs take considerably less time than medical school does. Physician assistant degrees typically take two to three years, while medical school takes four years to finish. Additionally, while newly trained physicians still have to go through years of internship and residency training, PAs are ready to get started in their career field shortly after graduating with their physician assistant degrees.

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In most accredited physician assistant programs, students complete at least one year of classroom study, called the didactic phase of their education, and at least one year of clinical training. During the clinical component of their studies, PA students in most physician assistant programs complete rotations in several areas of medicine.

physician assistants

Before you can apply to a PA master’s degree program, you generally need to earn a bachelor’s degree. Most students major in a science- or health-related program of study while pursuing a bachelor’s degree. The courses you complete when pursuing a bachelor’s degree in a subject such as pre-PA studies, pre-medical studies, medical science, health sciences and other science-related areas prepare you for the science-heavy curriculum found in most accredited physician assistant programs.

The Work of Physician Assistants

Physician assistants perform many of the same tasks as doctors. They take patient histories, perform physical exams, order tests, make diagnoses and order, administer and prescribe treatments, including medication. However, PAs are not doctors. Rather, they are licensed medical professionals with an advanced education who must work under the eye of a supervising physician.

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Physician assistant

What to Look for in the Best Physician Assistant Schools

How do you decide which schools offer the best master’s degree programs for physician assistants? To come up with our list of the best physician assistant degrees, we looked at the following factors:

  • Accreditation: Students should choose a physician assistant program that has earned accreditation from the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA). Choosing an accredited physician assistant studies program is essential when preparing for a career as a licensed PA. We included only ARC-PA accredited programs in our ranking of the best physician assistant degrees and programs.
  • PANCE scores: Individual schools report their students’ performance on the Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination (PANCE), the licensing exam administered by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA). The national average pass rate for the PANCE is 93% for first-time test-takers and 91% for all test-takers.
  • Graduation rate: Ideally, the vast majority of students accepted into a PA school’s cohort will successfully graduate on time. Most physician assistant programs on our list report a high graduation rate.
  • Cost of attendance: PA school isn’t cheap, but we included in our ranking the cost of attendance. Students seeking physician assistant degrees should keep in mind that financial aid packages can make the cost of an education more affordable.
  • Overall reputation and rankings: Schools’ reputations matter, and looking at rankings from other publications can provide a glimpse into how schools of medicine, health sciences and health professions are perceived. In particular, we considered the Best Physician Assistant Programs ranking U.S. News & World Report compiled in 2019.

physician assistants

Other factors to consider when evaluating the best physician assistant schools might include time to completion, specialization opportunities, flexibility and program options.

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The Best 25 PA Schools Ranked

1. University of Iowa

University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine

Students pursuing physician assistant degrees at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, IA, are high achievers – as you might expect from a program this competitive. On average, the University of Iowa interviews 120 applicants, all vying for one of only 25 open seats. By the time they finish their 28-month program, students are equipped with the skills to perform some of the health tasks normally undertaken by a primary care physician (in accordance with the scope of a PA’s work).

Graduates of this physician assistant program also achieve impressive PANCE scores. The PA Class of 2021 at the University of Iowa achieved a 100% pass rate on the certification exam. Additionally, the past five years of data show that over 99% of each year’s students graduate from the program. The school is also tied for first place on U.S. News & World Report’s list.

The total cost of this program for Iowa residents is $54,573,25 as of 2022, with tuition making up $47,427.50 of the cost. For non-residents, the tuition amounted to $96,084, with a total program cost of $103,329.75.

This physician assistant program is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).

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2. Yale University

Yale School of Medicine

Yale University in New Haven, CT, is more than an Ivy League research institution. The school is also one of the best physician assistant programs in the country.

In U.S. News & World Report’s ranking, Yale is ranked 26th. We ranked the institution much higher due to its exceptional PANCE pass rate and graduation rate. Except for one year, the first-time PANCE pass rate for Yale University physician assistant graduates has been 100% every year for the past half a decade. Even the exception to this 100% pass rate, the Class of 2019, still achieved a remarkable 95% pass rate. For both the Class of 2020 and the Class of 2021, the physician assistant program graduation rate was 100%.

Yale University’s ARC-PA-accredited physician assistant program curriculum spans 28 months, with a 12-month didactic phase and a 16-month clinical phase. During both phases, students seeking physician assistant degrees also have opportunities to be involved in research efforts.

You’ll get a quality physician assistant education at Yale, but you’ll pay a lot for it. For the 2022 through 2023 academic year, the tuition cost for the physician assistant master’s degree for all students (regardless of residency) was $111,167, and total program costs equaled $199,435.

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3. Baylor College of Medicine

Baylor College of Medicine

Some of the best physician assistant programs are offered out of colleges of medicine. After all, physician assistants do practice medicine – they just do so under the guidance of a supervising physician. One such top-performing physician assistant program is offered at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX.

Baylor College of Medicine’s PA program has it all. The program landed the #3 spot on U.S. News & World Report’s rankings. We were particularly impressed by the school’s long history of excellence in preparing students for the PANCE certification exam. The Class of 2021 reported a 97% pass rate for first-time test-takers, and the Class of 2020 achieved a 100% pass rate. This isn’t a new phenomenon; the school reports that its graduates have surpassed both first-time pass rates and national mean PANCE scores since 1973.

The maximum class size for the physician assistant program at Baylor College of Medicine is 40 students. The graduation rate among the Class of 2021 was 92.5%, while both the Class of 2020 and the Class of 2019 saw a graduation rate of 97.5%

Over the course of this 30-month physician assistant program, students will complete a curriculum that encompasses interdisciplinary learning and hands-on experience through the Simulation Core. Unique offerings at the school include an emphasis on Lifestyle Medicine, in which future PAs learn to help patients with lifestyle changes to treat or prevent diseases, as well as enrichment pathways in medical ethics and tropical medicine. The physician assistant students at this institution of higher education learn in the same facilities and clinical sites within Texas Medical Center – which the school bills as “the world’s largest medical complex” – where the school’s medical students train.

physician assistant

The cost for physician assistant degrees at Baylor is the same for both residents and non-residents. As reported for the 2022 through 2023 school year, tuition for all three years of the program totaled $80,075, with the total costs amounting to $112,070.50.

This physician assistant master’s degree is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).

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4. Marquette University

Marquette University College of Health Sciences

Getting into the ARC-PA-accredited physician assistant studies program at Marquette University’s College of Health Sciences in Milwaukee, WI, isn’t easy. Between 850 and 1,000 prospective students submit an application each cycle, but the school only accepts 75 students per year.

Despite the program’s selectivity, Marquette University is tied for 26th place on U.S. News & World Report’s list. We thought the school’s high PANCE pass rates and graduation rate warranted a much higher spot on our physician assistant school rankings list. Marquette’s Class of 2021 reported a PANCE pass rate of 100%, in keeping with most of the graduating classes over the past five years. The Class of 2019, the exception to Marquette’s pattern of 100% pass rates, still achieved a pass rate of 98%. For the Class of 2021, the graduation rate was 97.34%.

In addition to the Master of Physician Assistant Studies degree, the institution offers a postgraduate physician assistant emergency medicine program for PAs looking to specialize in this branch of medicine.

The projected tuition cost for the entire 28-month program amounted to $110,250 for students who enrolled during the 2022 through 2023 school year.

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RELATED: Is Getting Into a PA Program More or Less Competitive Than a Med School?

5. Duke University School of Medicine

Duke University School of MedicineNo ranking of the best physician assistant degrees is complete without mentioning the Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, NC. The PA career path started at Duke in 1965, when the Department of Medicine chairman, Dr. Eugene A. Stead Jr., established the first two-year program to train “mid-level practitioners” of medicine whose work could expand access to much-needed medical care, especially in medically underserved areas.

At Duke, the goal of the physician assistant program is to help students get ready for a variety of medical settings. The school is impressive in many respects beyond its part in the founding of the PA profession. Duke’s Class of 2021 achieved an impressive 97% PANCE pass rate, and both the Class of 2020 and the Class of 2021 reported a 98.9% graduation rate. These and other accomplishments led U.S. News & World Report to rank the school as tied for first place on its PA programs ranking list.

One area in particular in which the physician assistant program at Duke University School of Medicine shines is community service. Students spend at least 40 hours during their clinicals working with a health-based community agency. These community hours are tied into a final community service project.

For the 2022 through 2023 school year, the tuition cost for the entire program amounted to $92,102 regardless of residency, climbing to a total program cost of $164,723.

The master’s degree program at Duke University is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).

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6. George Washington University

George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences

The top-ranked physician assistant program at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., celebrated its 50th year in 2022. The Department of Physician Assistant Studies in George Washington University’s School of Medicine & Health Sciences offers two programs of interest to an aspiring physician assistant.

The traditional physician assistant program is a two-year physician assistant program that focuses on developing the competencies required for the practice of clinical medicine under a doctor’s supervision. Graduates of this program receive a Master of Science in Health Sciences degree. The PA/MPH program is a three-year, dual-degree program in which PA students complete the didactic and clinical studies of a conventional physician assistant program and a course of study in public health. Most PA/MPH students focus their MPH studies on the Community Oriented Primary Care track, but students may also choose to specialize in epidemiology, maternal and child health, health policy, global environmental health and environmental health science and policy.

George Washington University’s physician assistant program Class of 2021 achieved a 100% graduation rate. The school’s physician assistant graduates have achieved a consistently exceptional PANCE pass rate, with the Class of 2017 reporting a 100% pass rate and the Classes of 2018 and 2019 achieving a 98% pass rate. U.S. News & World Report ranked George Washington University as tied for 5th place on its list of the best physician assistant schools.

For all students enrolling in the two-year PA program in 2021 as part of the Class of 2023, the school reported a tuition rate of $96,960 and a total cost of $97,221.

The physician assistant degrees at George Washington University are offered out of programs that have earned accreditation from the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).

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7. Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science

Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science

The Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in North Chicago, IL, is a 24-month physician assistant program that U.S. News & World Report has ranked among its top 15 physician assistant schools.

The ARC-PA accredited PA program follows the traditional curriculum of one year of didactic coursework followed by a year of clinical rotations. Students’ clinical medicine experience includes six core rotations in the specialties of internal medicine, family practice, emergency medicine, surgery, pediatrics and Women’s Health. Students also choose two electives to customize their education to fit their clinical interests.

pediatric physician assistant

The high-achieving Class of 2021 reported a 97% PANCE pass rate and a 98.5% graduation rate.

The total cost of tuition and fees for the entire physician assistant program at the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science was listed at $104,819 as of 2022.

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8. St. Louis University

St. Louis University Doisy College of Health Sciences

St. Louis University was an early champion of physician assistant education. The school’s PA program launched in 1971 with just eight students, making the university not only one of the first in the country to offer this field of study but also the first such training program located in the Midwest.

Physician assistant students at St. Louis University graduate with a Master of Medical Science (MMS) degree from the Doisy College of Health Sciences. Over the course of the 27-month curriculum, students complete an assortment of didactic coursework and clinical training in specialties like family medicine, internal medicine, emergency medicine, general surgery, psychiatry/behavioral medicine, women’s health and pediatrics.

Despite ranking 37th (tied) on U.S. News & World Report’s ranking list, St. Louis University boasts impressive exam pass rates and graduation rates. The Class of Class of 2021 reported a PANCE pass rate of 96%. The graduation rate for the Class of 2019 was 97.5%.

For the 2021 through 2022 academic year, the total tuition cost for the program was $92,860.

The PA master’s degree awarded by the Doisy College of Health Sciences at St. Louis University is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).

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9. University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

One of two UT Health physician assistant programs to earn a spot on our school ranking list, the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio offers a Master of Physician Assistant Studies degree. Over the course of the 30-month program, students devote 14 months to didactic lecture coursework and 16 months to clinical training.

The ARC-PA-accredited physician assistant program Class of 2021 at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio achieved a graduation rate of 90% and a PANCE pass rate of 100%. On U.S. News & World Report’s list, the school tied for 33rd place.

As of 2022, the total cost of tuition and fees amounted to $40,431 for in-state students and $86,534 for out-of-state students.

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10. Emory University School of Medicine

Emory University School of Medicine

At Emory University in Atlanta, GA, students in the School of Medicine can pursue a physician assistant degree. U.S. News & World Report ranks this outstanding program among the top five physician assistant programs in the nation, and for good reason. The Class of 2021 reported a 100% graduation rate.

Emory University’s physician assistant program spans 29 months, with clinical training beginning during students’ second spring semester and concluding in the third and final fall semester. For students interested in matters of public health administration as well as the practice of clinical medicine, the school also offers a PH/MPH dual-degree program.

Emory University’s cost is the same for Georgia residents and non-residents. For the 2021 through 2022 academic year, the total tuition cost for the program amounted to $109,594, and the total program cost was listed at $126,456.

The physician assistant degrees offered through Emory University are accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).

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11. Midwestern University

Midwestern University

At Midwestern University in Downers Grove, IL, students can pursue an ARC-PA-accredited Master of Medical Science (MMS) in Physician Assistant Program. This 27-month program begins with 12 months of basic science classes as part of the didactic phase of study, followed by 15 months of clinical rotations that students complete primarily in the Chicago metropolitan area.

The Class of 2021 reported a graduation rate of 94.3% and a PANCE pass rate of 96%. Midwestern University ranked 21st on U.S. News & World Report’s ranking.

As of 2022, the total tuition cost for all students was $120,542, and the total program cost was $134,659.

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12. Wake Forest University

Wake Forest University

At Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC, physician assistant students can expect to spend two years pursuing their master’s degree in this field. The curriculum consists of 91 total credit hours, including 44 pre-clinical hours and 47 clinical hours.

The PA program, which tied for 7th place on U.S. News & World Report’s ranking of the best physician assistant schools, reported a graduation rate of 96% for the Class of 2020 and 94% for the Class of 2021. Graduates’ PANCE pass rates reached 98% for the Classes of 2019 and 2020 and 95% for the Class of 2021.

Regardless of residency, the total cost for the physician assistant program at Wake Forest University for the 2022 through 2023 academic year was $172,494, with tuition accounting for $87,540 of that amount.

The PA master’s degree at Wake Forest University is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).

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13. University of Colorado

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Students pursuing a master’s degree in physician assistant studies at the University of Colorado in Aurora will spend three years building their knowledge in the practice of medicine. In this master’s degree program, which tied for 7th place on U.S. News & World Report’s ranking, students devote two years to didactic coursework, or classroom work that encompasses lectures, laboratory classes and small group experiences.

The ARC-PA-accredited program integrates some clinical experiences as early as year one of the two-year program. However, during students’ third year is when clinical rotations dominate the curriculum. Over the course of their final year of the program, students will complete 10 month-long rotations in specialties like primary care, inpatient medicine, surgery, and neonatology or adolescent medicine.

Both the Class of 2019 and the Class of 2021 reported a 100% graduation rate, and even the Class of 2020 managed to achieve a 93% graduation rate despite the challenges of going to school during a global pandemic.

Colorado residents save considerably on the cost of the PA master’s degree program. For the 2022 through 2023 academic year, resident students enrolling as part of the Class of 2025 could expect to pay $64,242 in total costs for the three-year physician assistant program, while non-residents would pay $139,086.

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14. University of Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

If you’re interested in having options for your education, one of the physician assistant programs you should consider is the University of Wisconsin’s physician assistant master’s degree. This program offers five program tracks that include in-person studies at different campus locations, part-time distance-learning options and a dual-degree program option. This program also earns the distinction of being unusually affordable – at least for in-state students.

The traditional 24-month in-person PA program at the University of Wisconsin is called the campus track, and it is offered on the school’s Madison, WI, campus. A second campus-based program is offered at UW-Stevens Point at Wausau.

Most accredited physician assistant programs are full-time programs, but the University of Wisconsin offers two part-time distance tracks for students who want to move forward with their PA education but can’t commit to it full-time. Students within driving distance of the Madison campus are considered part of the regional distance education track, while students living in medically underserved areas are part of the traditional distance education track. Either distance track will include 24 months of didactic learning completed on a part-time basis before a 12-month, full-time year of clinical rotations.

become a physician assistant

The MPH-MPAS track is a dual-degree master’s program for students interested in both the physician assistant career and studies in public health. Over the course of a 33-month curriculum, students complete the coursework required to graduate with both a Masters of Physician Assistant Studies degree and a Masters of Public Health degree.

The University of Wisconsin’s Class of 2021 reported a 100% graduation rate and a 92% PANCE pass rate. U.S. News & World Report ranked the University of Wisconsin among the top 15 physician assistant programs in the nation.

For the 2021 through 2022 academic year, Wisconsin students on the campus track (studying at the Madison campus) paid a total program tuition cost of $39,469.10. Non-residents were charged a total program tuition rate of $80,197.94, but thanks to a tuition reciprocity agreement between the two states, Minnesota residents could pursue this degree for the discounted rate of $52,501.22.

The PA master’s degree at the University of Wisconsin is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).

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15. Eastern Virginia Medical School

Eastern Virginia Medical School

Another highly-ranked PA school to consider is Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, VA.

The Class of 2021 reported a PANCE pass rate of 95% and a graduation rate of 90.7%. U.S. News & World Report ranked the institution 33rd among the best physician assistant programs nationwide.

Over the course of 28 months, aspiring physician assistants at Eastern Virginia Medical School complete a 16-month sequence of pre-clinical coursework and eight clinical field experiences. Required clinical rotations in this ARC-PA-accredited physician assistant degree program include family medicine, general internal medicine, general surgery, emergency medicine, pediatric medicine, women’s health and psychiatry and behavioral health.

For the 2021 through 2022 academic year, the school reported a total program cost of $177,554 for in-state students and $199,230 for out-of-state students. This amount included tuition costs of $87,865 for in-state students and $108,661 for out-of-state students.

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16. University of South Alabama

University of South Alabama

At the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL, aspiring physician assistants will complete a total of 121 credit hours over the course of a 27-month curriculum. The program includes 15 consecutive months of pre-clinical work and 12 months of clinical rotations. Two of these clinical rotations, primary care and pediatrics, include required clinical experiences in rural areas.

The Class of 2021 reported both a graduation rate and a PANCE pass rate of 95%. On U.S. News & World Report’s ranking of master’s degree programs for physician assistants, the University of South Alabama tied for 46th place.

In-state students at this institution get a significant discount compared to out-of-state students. For the 2021 through 2022 academic year, the total program cost for in-state students amounted to $114,986, with tuition contributing to $58,080 of that cost. Out-of-state students were charged $192,184, including $135,278 in tuition costs.

The physician assistant studies program at the University of South Alabama is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).

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17. University of Southern California

University of Southern California

The practice of primary care medicine lends itself particularly well to the PA profession. If you’re interested in working in this area, the University of Sothern California has a fantastic program for that. Offered out of USC’s Keck School of Medicine, the Primary Care Physician Assistant Program awards a Master of Physician Assistant Practice (MPAP) degree.

The 33-month program covers a curriculum that consists of four semesters of didactic study and more than a year (54 weeks) of full-time clinical training. After the first year of this three-year program, students enjoy a respite from their hard work in the form of a summer break.

The Class of 2021 reported a graduation rate of 92% and a PANCE pass rate of 96%. U.S. News & World Report ranked this PA program as tied for 10th place on its school rankings list.

For the 2021 through 2022 school year, the institution reported a total program cost of $190,713, $177,892 of which consisted of tuition costs.

This PA master’s degree is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).

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18. Oregon Health and Science University

Oregon Health and Science University

At Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, OR, physician assistant students complete a 27-month curriculum that, like most accredited physician assistant programs, includes both didactic instruction and clinical training. Students must complete core clinical rotations in emergency medicine, surgery, inpatient medicine, pediatrics and behavioral medicine, as well as three rotations in primary care. They can also choose elective rotations in areas like orthopedics, cardiology, neurosurgery and dermatology.

Since 2018, the maximum class size in the PA program has been 42 students. The Class of 2021 reported a PANCE pass rate of 93% and a graduation rate of 95.3%. On U. S. News & World Report’s ranking list, the university was ranked 14th in the nation.

Students at Oregon Health and Science University complete a community outreach project and have the option to pursue a rural track program that emphasizes the practice of medicine in rural and medically underserved areas.

As of 2022, the total program cost for all physician assistant students was $123,507, including $93,636 in tuition costs.

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19. Stony Brook School of Health Professions

Stony Brook School of Health Professions

At the Stony Brook School of Health Professions in southeastern New York, the physician assistant program follows a 24-month curriculum.

While the Class of 2021 reported a PANCE pass rate of 91%, this statistic is an outlier. The Class of 2018 reported a PANCE pass rate of 100%, and both the Classes of 2019 and 2020 reported an exam pass rate of 98%. Among the Class of 2020, the graduation rate was 98.5%. U.S. News & World Report ranked the program as tied for 15th place.

For residents of New York State, the total program cost as of 2021 amounted to $62,449.76, including $44,608 in tuition costs. Aspiring PA students from outside of New York were charged a total program cost of $100,851.01, including $82,442 in tuition costs.

The PA master’s degree at Stony Brook School of Health Professions is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).

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20. Quinnipiac University

Quinnipiac University

The 27-month, 94-credit physician assistant Master of Health Science program at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT, has a similar curriculum to most PA programs. Students start with a year of didactic coursework before focusing on a series of clinical rotations. However, one unique aspect of this ARC-PA-accredited physician assistant program is that first-year students spend half a day each week working with licensed providers in clinical practice. Students at this university work with actual patients from the start.

Quinnipiac University’s physician assisting Class of 2021 reported a PANCE pass rate of 92% and a graduation rate of 92.6%. On U.S. News & World Report’s list, the institution was ranked 15th in the nation.

As of 2022, the total tuition and fees cost for all students regardless of residency was $105,810.

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21. The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas

The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas

A second University of Texas medical branch also deserves a spot on our top 25 physician assistant degrees list. The Dallas-based University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center offers an accredited Master of Physician Assistant Studies program that dates back to 1972.

The 30-month program starts in May of each year and wraps up in December. The didactic phase of the curriculum encompasses the summer, fall and spring semesters of the first year of study, as well as the summer of the second year. In the fall of the second year, students begin their clinical rotations. These clinical experiences account for 59 of the 112 total program hours and consist of four semesters of training, including rotations in family medicine, internal medicine, surgery, infectious disease, psychiatry, pediatrics and women’s health.

The Class of 2021 reported a graduation rate of 90.3% and a PANCE pass rate of 93%. However, this pass rate is something of an outlier for the program. The UT Southwestern Medical Center’s PA Classes of 2017, 2019 and 2020 all achieved a 100% pass rate on the PANCE. U.S. News ranked this program 7th in the nation.

As one of the more reasonably priced programs on our list, UT Southwestern Medical Center’s estimated cost, as of 2022, is $43,791 for Texas residents and $89,487 for non-resident students. This figure represents the total program cost for the 30-month degree program.

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22. Drexel University

Drexel University College of Nursing and Health Professions

In the physician assistant Master of Health Science degree at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA, students complete a 27-month curriculum. This curriculum covers 12 months of didactic coursework and 15 months of clinical rotations.

Despite tying for 10th place on U.S. News & World Report’s ranking list, Drexel’s attrition rate is lower than other degree programs on our list. The Class of 2021 reported a graduation rate of just 86%. However, the school does report competitive PANCE pass rates. Among the Class of 2021, 96% of first-time test-takers passed the exam.

For the 2022 through 2023 academic year, Drexel University reported a tuition cost per credit hour of $843, which amounts to $98,631 in tuition alone for the whole 27-month program. Adding in other expenses, the total program cost climbed to $101,386.

Drexel University’s Master of Health Science program is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).

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23. University of Utah Health

University of Utah Health

The seven-semester Masters in Physician Assistant Studies program at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, UT, is a 27-moth commitment. The first four semesters of the curriculum are dedicated to didactic instruction, with the remaining three semesters comprising the clinical training portion of the program. Students in this program also complete a mandatory community-engagement research project in which they lead a small group that includes a faculty member and a community partner.

The institution landed the 4th place spot on U.S. News & World Report’s ranking list, but we ranked it lower due to the Class of 2021’s PANCE pass rate sitting slightly below the national average, at 91%.

The total program cost as of the 2021 through 2022 academic year amounted to $78,120.70 for Utah residents and $116,314.26 for non-resident students. Students who start out as non-residents but qualify for Utah residency after their first year could expect to pay $97,217.48.

The PA master’s degree at this institution of higher education is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).

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24. Medical University of South Carolina

Medical University of South Carolina

At the Medical University of South Carolina in historic Charleston, SC, aspiring physician assistants can pursue an accredited Master of Science in Physician Assistant degree.

This program accepts a larger cohort of students, with a total of 97 student spots, but the school boasts that this larger cohort translates to “more resources.” With 12 dedicated faculty members, the program reported a student-to-faculty ratio of 8-to-1. Additionally, the program recently opened a state-of-the-art PA lab with patient exam rooms where students can perform simulated exams on patient-actors.

PAs healthcare career

Over the course of the 27-month curriculum, students complete 15 months of didactic learning and a year of clinical rotations. Students have the opportunity to assist the underserved by working in St. Andrew’s Medical Clinic and the East Cooper Community Outreach program.

While the Class of 2021 reported a graduation rate of 93.5% and a PANCE pass rate of 84%, these statistics are outliers. The school’s reported attrition rate for 2019 was 98.3%, and for 2020, it was 95.1%. In most years, the program’s PANCE pass rate is considerably higher, at 98% for 2017 and 2018 and 95% for 2020. On U.S. News & World Report’s ranking list, the Medical University of South Caroline tied for 46th place.

This program is an especially affordable option for aspiring physician assistants in SC. The in-state total program tuition cost for the 2021 through 2022 academic year amounted to $57,918, while out-of-state students would have to pay $103,509.

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25. University of Washington

University of Washington Medicine MEDEX Northwest Physician Assistant Program

The University of Washington offers a 27-credit PA program out of its Seattle, Spokane, Acoma and Anchorage campus locations.

Graduation rates among PA students at the University of Washington are in the 90% range and above. The most recent statistics, for the Class of 2020, show an attrition rate of 92%, but for 2018 and 2019, the school reported a graduation rate of 98% and 94%, respectively.  The campus locations each report their own PANCE pass rate. Among the Classes of 2021, the Spokane campus reported the highest pass rate. U.S. News & World Report ranked the institution 14th in the nation among physician assistant programs.

For the PA student cohort that started in the summer of 2021, the University of Washington reported a total tuition cost of $85,365.

This program is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).

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The institutions listed above are among the best physician assistant schools in the country. Attending any of these institutions, or any other accredited PA program, can help you achieve your goal of becoming a physician assistant.

physician assistant career

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